8 Things To Consider When Moving with a Pet


Moving houses can be stressful, even more so when there are pets involved. While the whole moving process requires a lot of careful planning and organizing, it is doable. To help you out, we’re listing eight things to consider when moving with a pet.


Check all the rules and regulations beforehand

One of the first things you’ll need to do when moving with a pet is to research the rules and regulations in your new area. Different communities will have different restrictions regarding pets. It’s your job to familiarize yourself with laws and regulations in the area you’re moving to.

Research everything from rules in your new apartment/homeowner’s association to pet licensing requirements to necessary vaccinations or health certificates from a vet. Your local animal control facility could be of major help, and one call can spare you the unnecessary stress.


Schedule a visit to the vet prior to moving

A visit to the vet before the moving day is essential. You’ll be able to gather all the documentation you need, keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date, and address any concerns you may have about traveling with pets.

Since you’re moving with a pet to a new area, you’ll also need to find a new vet. Ask your current vet for recommendations and set an appointment as soon as possible. That way, you’ll have someone to rely on in case there’s an emergency.


Select the right moving service

As a pet owner, you want to make your move as smooth as possible. For that to happen, it’s important that you select the moving service that’s right for you.

According to the leading moving company in Phoenix, working closely with the professionals whom you trust with your belongings can make this difficult endeavor go a lot smoother. Not having to deal with packing and physically loading and unloading the moving truck means you can focus on yourself and your pet during the move. The expert movers will take care of your belongings while you and your pet travel in your own vehicle.


Ask a friend to pet sit

Your house on the moving day is not exactly the best environment for your pet to be in. All the noises and movement can create additional stress for your furry friend. What’s more, you may not have the time to take proper care of them that day.

In that case, consider asking a friend to pet sit for you. They’ll take care of everything from walks to medications to food. Plus, you won’t have to stress about them being stressed out, which will make packing for a move much easier.


Pack an overnight kit

Speaking of packing, you want to have everything your pet may need during the trip readily available. Before you hit the road, make sure to pack an overnight kit to help keep them comfortable.

The kit should include items like pet food, leashes, grooming tools, toys, beds, food and water bowls, litter box, vet records and certificates, and anti-sickness medications. Remember to bring some treats for your furry friend as well!


Make the drive comfortable for them

Other than making sure you’ve checked off everything from your travel checklist, you also want to take any extra steps that will make the ride safe and comfortable.

Keep your pet safe by securing them in the back seat, using restraints such as a pet seat belt, a harness, or a crate. Ensure proper air flow, provide enough water, and have them travel on an empty stomach to prevent motion sickness.


Arrange your home with your pet in mind and help them settle

Adjusting to a new environment takes time, but you can make the process easier for your beloved pet. Aim to create a sense of familiarity by relying on items and objects they’re already used to. This includes everything from their bed to favorite toys to the usual pet food you buy for them.

Other than setting up their spot, take steps to make your home pet-friendly. Let them explore their new surroundings, but don’t let them out right away. Instead, keep them on a leash to prevent them from running away or getting lost in the new area. To help them settle in a new place, remain consistent with your usual routines (walking, playing, feeding, etc.).


Update contact information

Sometimes, unexpected things will happen, and despite the owners’ best efforts, pets will get lost or run away. In case your pet manages to get out, it pays to have pet ID tags and microchip registrations as these contain your address and phone number.

It’s very important that you update your contact information after the move. That way, in case your pet does get lost, they can get back to you safely.


Wrapping up

Keeping the stress levels down on the moving day is essential, both for you and for your beloved pet. With these tips in mind, you can get yourself and your furry friend ready for the move and make the process go much more smoothly.


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About The Author

Taylor Parker is an American based writer and blogger. She is very passionate about family, fashion, health, and lifestyle. Taylor writes mostly lifestyle articles, but also you’ll find her in home improvement and other niches.  You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter
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