10 Reasons Daddy's Girls Kill it in The Real World

We are Daddy’s girls.

Unlike the false stereotype depicted in Willy Wonka of Veruca Salt, we aren’t snobby. We aren’t brats.

We’re Daddy’s girls and wear that title with pride. It’s a large part of who we are.

And he's a direct reflection of the person we become in our lives.

1. We don’t feel a sense of entitlement.

We know the world doesn’t operate simply by snapping our fingers. We know the things we want in life won’t be handed to us on a silver platter.

Yes, we’ve had one person willing to do anything we ask of them, but that’s a reflection of him as an individual. If anything he’s taught us how lucky we are and how rare it is to even have someone like that in our lives.

2. We’re willing to work.

We’ve seen him work day in and day out, providing for the life we have had up until this point. We’ve seen the early mornings and late nights and never complaining about any of it.

He’s instilled a work ethic in us, which enables us to thrive.

3. We don’t take no for an answer.

And if you ever want to test our character, tell us no. Watch how we respond. You’ll be amazed at the outcome. Some how we'll get what we want with a smile. 

The real world has a way of slamming a million doors in our faces.

We’ve been trained to not be phased by it. We always find a window that’s open even when a door is locked.

Some call it spoiled. I call it persistence.

4. We’re confident.

We’ve been told our entire lives how perfect and beautiful we are. I don’t think it’s having a big head, as much as it’s being taught to carry ourselves with poise, grace and confidence.

Despite being told these things, we’ve also been told to constantly try and improve and work to better ourselves. Whether it’s in the work force or dating we know no one is perfect. It gives us something to work towards. 

5. We don’t take people’s shit.

He’s shown us respect. He’s taught us to respect others. More than that he’s taught us self respect.

When someone doesn’t treat us as well as he does, it’s a slap in the face to settle for anything less than the best.

We know success happens when we treat people as equals the way our fathers have always treated us

6. We’re dreamers.

He’s told us we can be anything we want to be. Not only that but he’s been our number one cheerleader in pursuing it.

Whether it was that time we wanted join the circus at 6 to a more realistic dream. The only thing that didn’t change were the words, “I know you can.”

7. We’re independent.

Although someone has provided for us all our lives, we know how important it is to provide for ourselves. When you rely on someone for income you lose a little bit of freedom with what you want to do.

Our fathers have taught us when we’re the one providing for ourselves, we run the show.

8. We don’t settle.

We’re not going take that job that isn’t gonna make us happy. We aren’t gonna take the first offer we get. 

We have high standards for expectations for living because that’s what our father has taught us to have.

9. We motive others.

The same way our father has motivated and taught us we’re eager to give people in our lives those same boosts of confidence. In the work force it benefits everyone because we want to do well. More than that, we want to take everyone with us when we do.

10. We’re team players.

Our relationship with our father has been a team effort for years. We work together. We motivate each other. We teach each other. We share in accomplishments and joy.

This applies to the real world because we’ll be the same way in a company.

You can say we’re spoiled. You can joke and tease us for being daddy’s girls. But it’s the daddy’s girls of the world who are gonna thrive. And we’ll do it with a smile and our dad’s love and support by our side.

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