10 Things to Know Before Dating a Scorpio

Some live by the advice, “Never date a Scorpio,??? as if any relationship with a Scorpio is doomed to go up in flames. This is actually a myth spread by those who want to keep all the Scorpios for themselves. Scorpios are not so much difficult as we are easily misunderstood. If you break through our walls, we offer the most intense love you’ll ever find.


1. When we feel attacked, our natural reflex to be tough in response.

Scorpios are called out for our “sting??? and vengeful nature. But we’re actually just strong and independent. We teach others how to treat us.

2. If you’re on our side, we’re deeply protective and loyal.

If we’re with you in the good times, we stand by you in the rougher times. It feels personal when someone attacks someone we love.

3. We are often up in our heads, yet we feel deeply.

It seems like we have complicated minds, but we actually have simple hearts. We overthink little details but our feelings are guided by the big picture.

4. We often see reflections of ourselves in others.

We empathize easily and are quick to feel like we understand someone else. Sometimes, though, others find it challenging to understand us.

5. We are intensely emotional with complex minds.

Beneath our calm appearance, there may be a storm inside. This is because we are very passionate about the things and people we care about. Love for us is all or nothing.

6. We value privacy and can be secretive…

We believe some things should remain unsaid, and there are parts of ourselves that we don’t automatically put on display. If we do open up about something, you should pay close attention.

7. …But there’s nothing we love more than when someone else confides in us.

When you tell us our secrets, they are in a vault. We get it. No matter what the confession, you can feel secure that your secret is safe with us.

8. We adapt quickly to change in the moment, but we hold on to intense, vivid memories for a long time.

We have overactive minds that always like to be one step ahead of things. But we remember many fleeting moments long after the fact: the first time we met, the time we stayed up all night with you, when we saw you cry the first time.

9. Trust is not a thing to be played with.

We do not automatically assume we can trust someone we just met. With us, trust can only be built steadily over time. Unspoken trust is the lifeblood of our relationships, and breaking our sense of trust can poison your bond with us permanently.

10. We need someone who can love our dark side.

We don’t turn a blind eye to reality, and we need someone who can appreciate our dark and sarcastic sense of humor. Only when we meet someone who appreciates both of our extremes–our playfulness and our seriousness–can we open ourselves up completely.

Published by

Shannon Moira

Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/shannonnmoira

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