People with big hearts tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves – they are open, giving, and don’t think twice about giving all of themselves to another person. Contrary, someone who is afraid to trust is normally cynical, rough around the edges and will never just outwardly express their feelings and spill their whole life story in the first hour of meeting you. Or the first year.
So what about the person who is both rough around the edges and big-hearted?
1. We’re at a party being our usual charming self, just doing our thing, and then our anxiety is all like…
…“Remember me!? MWAHAHAHA!” Coz it’s a bastard.
2. That’s when we might get all quiet and distant.
Pay attention to when that happens, you might need to take us outside to get some fresh air and talk it out with us.
3. When you have a big heart but an uneasiness to trust, you tend to hold in all of your worries…
…only to face tears at the most unexpected of times. Don’t let our toughness fool you – we’re extremely sensitive inside, so be gentle with our hearts.
4. There is no such thing as showing us too much affection.
We may seem so bold and confident, and we are, but we still worry all the time, too. Sometimes, we’ll think that you’ll have lost interest. Sometimes we’ll become sure you have. Or, at least, that’s what our fear to trust says. Deep down we know you care, but it never hurts to just say it that one extra time.
5. Please do not give us a reason not to trust you.
We’re already battling with a lot inside and we’re trying our very best to let our boundaries down despite that annoying feeling inside telling us we shouldn’t.
6. We tend to hold in our innermost feelings close to our hearts, it’s how we protect ourselves.
Our vulnerability is hidden beneath a lot of layers, we were hurt really badly once and have put up quite a big front to shelter ourselves. We can have many friends and acquaintances, but very few people who we actually share our whole world with.
7. Be patient, you have to earn our trust.
Being sincere doesn’t come easy. So when we get serious, you need to pay attention. (Or like cherish it or whatever).
8. We’ll have moments when we’ll feel pretty foolish for putting ourselves out there and feel like we might have expressed too much and need to take it back.
That’s where sassy comments and distance will come in, we’ll probably even push you away. But don’t be swayed, we’re just scared and fighting against ourselves – we secretly just want you to come closer, break down our walls, and prove us wrong.
9. We need to be reminded that even though we’re so strong…
…it’s okay to let ourselves be fragile, sometimes, and fall into your arms without fear of being rejected or vulnerable. We’ll always have a tiny part of us telling us we can’t fully trust you – and we hate that part. But we’ll appreciate your patience and compassion more than we can even say – we’ll pay it back tenfold and love you that much more for it.
10. We will alternate between wanting to be surrounded by many people, reveling in the attention we receive…
… to be very selective about who we grace our presence with. This might mean we sometimes won’t go to the “usual” activities like brunch, double dates or dinner parties. Basically, any place where there’s normally small talk or insincerity.
Never take it personally, this is just the result of knowing that we won’t vibe with certain people or atmospheres. We can’t fake anything, so we’re just trying to save you from our annoyed moods or introspection/withdrawal.