10 Ways the Girl Who Dates Like a Man Loves Differently

Dating can be a struggle for us because we don’t follow the rules. We do whatever makes us feel comfortable. If you stereotype us  as a “typical girl,” our behavior might catch you by surprise.

  1. We won’t always nod and smile at everything you say. We’re not afraid to challenge you. We’re bored by those who automatically agree with everything we say. 
  2. We’re bad at the whole romantic-feelings-thing. When we try to express our feelings for you, it comes out wrong. When we try to hide our feelings for you, they come out anyway. Bear with us.
  3. We won’t “act like a lady” just because we’re on a date with you. We’ll drink as we please, swear freely, and laugh at your fart jokes. Love it or leave it.
  4. If we act cold or indifferent, it doesn’t mean we’re mad at you. We just don’t feel the need to explain the long, tiring day we’ve just had and go over every little detail. Our feelings aren’t always about you, so don’t take it personally.
  5. If you ever cry in front of us, we have no idea what to do. We care about you, but we’re not sure how to show it. Like a burning building, we’re not sure if we should try to put it out or let it run its course.
  6. We won’t ignore you in order to play hard to get. It’s boring as hell to wait for guys to initiate everything romantically. We’ll text you whenever we want.
  7. We’ve got a tough skin when it comes to rejection. We won’t automatically think we’re deeply flawed just because one person is not into us. We’ll assume it’s them, not us.
  8. Sex is not a reward or a trophy for good behavior. It’s a shared experience between two people, not some gift a “lady” gives a man.
  9. We’re not in a rush to commit. We take our time to figure out how much we really like you. But when we’re sure, we’re sure.
  10. We wish we could just buy a guy flowers as a gesture of affection. When life seems complicated, we want to show that our hearts are simple. 

Published by

Shannon Moira

Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/shannonnmoira

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