5 % – He’s constantly fishing for compliments, from you or any girl under the sun, which results in several posts showing off the many phases his ego goes through on the daily; the ‘gym shirtless selfie’ or the ‘I woke up like this half naked in bed’ are his favorites.
10 % – He tells you to lose a little weight or put on a little weight, or change your hair or anything about the way that you like to carry yourself because he has a type and you’re not quite cutting it yet.
5 % – He happens to know your ‘Achilles Heel’ and uses it against you just to get what he wants it, when he wants it, how he wants it. Dick!
10 % – He won’t shut up about how much money he has or how many expensive things he owns. Dude, nobody gives a shit about your car. Staaap!
5 % – He’s a pro at non-reliability: he won’t text for days, cancel plans with you at the last minute, he’s always “fashionably” late and always excuses himself with “Don’t pressure me, Babe, that’s just how I roll”