16 Reasons To Date The Guy Who Doesn’t Give a F**k About Sports

Ugh, sports. *Insert major eyeroll* 

They are so annoying. Like, Gretchen Wieners annoying . .  . or the pizza delivery guy being late annoying. Some guys revolve their lives around sports, and that can often get in the way of a romantic relationship. Because on weekends, you want to spend time with your boyfriend—not a bunch of guys in tight pants running around after a friggin' ball.

But, unfortunately, he wants to spend the entire day watching football. Sports bore you, they makes zero sense (no matter how hard to try to understand them), and every game is seemingly longer than Titanic. And you'd rather watch Titanic than watch sports. Young Leo? Duhhhh.

1. His weekends are open-ended. So you get to see him on Sundays. And not at a crowded, expensive sports bar surrounded by really loud douchebags and their girlfriends, who are trying desperately to pretend that they understands the rules. 

2. He doesn't let anything define him. He has interests, but those don't define his personality. He’s completely comfortable with who he is, always will be. 

3. You don't have to pretend that you give a shit about sports! This is the best reason.

4. He is dedicated to quirky hobbies. He might like to ride his bike, or he might play Dungeons and Dragons. Whatever he does, it's not sports. 

5. You can nerd out together. On Sunday nights you watch the new episode of Game of Thrones. And instead of hearing a guy complain about how his team could have done better, you stay up all night debating which character will die in the next episode. 

6. No bros. You know, the ones who hit on you while your boyfriend is in the bathroom. 

7. Thanksgiving is about food, not football. This is important. 

8. You have more quality time together. Without a sports event on the TV, you have more time and better attention spans. More quality time increases your bond, and will only make you two fall more in love with each other. If that's even possible. 

9. He's not competitive. So you’re never competing with each other in your relationship, which a toxic element that causes many relationships to fall apart.  

10. He’s comfortable with your friends. He can easily find common interests to talk about with them, and is a good listener: he's not so hung up on anything that it's the only thing he talks about. You're never afraid to leave him alone with any of your friends, and they can actually hang out without you around. 

11. Your dad will finally talk about something else. When they finally meet and it is revealed that your new bae doesn't care bout sports, he'll finally be forced to talk about something else.

12. You do more shit. Instead of sitting in a bar watching a game, you sit in a bar and make new friends. Or you go on a hike, go see a Sunday matineesports fans don’t even know how cheap matinees are. And it’s so sad, but more room for you.

13. He didn’t peak in high school. His heydays are far from over. He hasn’t given up, and he never will. He will only get better and better. And this inspires you to be, too. 

14. He’s not uptight or obsessed with his body. He takes care of himself, but he doesn’t care if he misses a day at the gym, or if he gains a few pounds. Because that week you ate nothing but cheeseburgers was worth it. 

15. He never played a sport, but he still knows what it likes to be on a team . . . because he spent most of his high school and college years playing World of Warcraft. The point is, he knows how to make relationships work, despite not understanding games that involve a ball. 

16. He’d rather Netflix and chill (literally or figuratively) than watch ESPN. And let’s be honest: you never want to watch ESPN, and you never want to pretend to watch ESPN.

Published by

Carrie Wittmer

Carrie is a dinosaur fanatic living in Brooklyn, NY. Twitter handle: carriesnotscary Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/carriesnotscary

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