You're number one on every single one of my lists, and you've totally earned that spot. You've shown me what real love is because, underneath all the passion, you're literally just my very best friend.
Whenever I fall, you're there to catch me. And when I have the best day of my life, you're waiting to pop some champagne and celebrate with me. We’re invested in each other’s success, we help each other to put the pieces back together when we fail and we just take on life in general like champs together.
I can only hope I’m as good of a friend to you as you are to me, but if I’m not, I’ll spend as long as it takes trying to be.
1. You're the one I run to with literally any news I get.
When I’ve gotten a job, a promotion, a health scare, when I see something hilarious, when I have a question…just whenever something remotely noteworthy happens to me— you hear about it first.
You're the first human I want to share any thought with, every time. Nothing means more to me than sharing my happiness with you and making you smile, except maybe having your shoulder to lean on when life is dragging me down.
2. You always have time for me. And if you don't have time, you make it.
I never hear "I’m too busy," "Hold on babe, I’m swamped," or "I’m not sure if I can make it," from you. You always drop everything for me, no matter what you’re doing.
You always make the time. I know that no matter what, I really can rely on you and this is why you’re amazing.
3. I know that if I call or text you, you'll respond back as quickly as humanly possible.
You never dodge me, and I know that if you haven’t gotten back it’s for a really, really good reason — like you’re trapped in a tunnel with no service and someone might be holding you hostage. Or something like that.
Basically, I know you'd never ignore me on purpose because you always make sure I know that I'm a priority. Thank you, babe.
4. Even though we talk all day every day, we never run out of things to talk about.
Like literally ever. It’s shocking, actually, consider how much we talk. Even on the nights when we’re like "Yeah, we have to get to bed early," we’ll still end up spending way more time on the phone than we intended.
And it's always worth it, every single time. You always fascinate me, and having you around never gets just gets better.
5. We’ll laugh in the middle of a fight
One of us will inevitably say something that cracks the other up, we just can't help it. Even in moments when we’re decidedly incompatible, we’re still completely and utterly compatible.
Even when we’re in complete disagreement, we can’t keep it up any anger or frustration for long because we know our love can get us through anything.
6. After we argue about something, we always learn something new and take that with us.
We learn new things about each other every time and we actually tell each other what we learned. Arguments aren't about being mad for us, they're about working through problems and searching for a solution together.
After every fight, we always put our best foot forward into the future, so we can continue making one another happy…like we always do.
7. We have our own established world.
Call it self-centered, but we really don’t need anybody else. We love our friends, and wouldn't trade them for anything. But at the end of the day, all we need in this life is each other.
We’ve built a little life together that is endlessly entertaining and filled with warm, fuzzy memories.
8. You don’t care whether I’m in hag mode or doll mode, you think I'm beautiful either way.
You always tell me I’m beautiful, whether I’ve put in hours of effort or have totally neglected my appearance for days. You’ll tell me again when I’m feeling confident or totally insecure.
I’m not really sure how you find me beautiful all the time, but you do, and that makes me super happy.
9. You appreciate all of my quirks, no matter how annoying they might be.
You laugh when I talk to you while brushing my teeth, when I worry over stupid little things and build entire stories around them, when I talk to my pets like they’re humans, when I make up my own curse words, and sound effects…
Even when you're not in the mood for my antics, you tolerate them with grace. You're always a gentleman.
10. When I’m freaking out, you know just exactly what to do.
You know not to make any sudden movements (don’t anger it), and you are so good at just being there, letting me have my freak out, holding me and telling me everything’s going to be okay. You’re so, so good at that.
No one can comfort me like you do, and no one else would be as patient with me at my most irrational.
11. I don’t ever feel like I’ll say something that will scare you away.
With other guys, and even in the beginning with us, I would tiptoe around any words that sounded like marriage, babies, farts, commitment, labels, or mustache…
But now we’ve pretty much covered every topic and you haven’t been phased. At all. I'm totally comfortable you, and it's so amazing because I never thought I'd be able to drop the perfect girl act with a guy.
12. We don’t need to do anything fancy, as long as we’re together we’re having fun.
We really don’t need to do anything at all. I’ll cook, you’ll clean, We’ll share a big bottle of wine and a bunch of laughs, and that is more than enough for us.
13. I don’t have to ask you to be there for me.
When I need you, you’re there. You have some sort of superhuman sense of when I need you. You’ve been there for me when I’ve been sick, sore, or just needed a hug.
I can only hope that that power has rubbed off on me a little, so I can love and care for you just as good.
14. You know when to pump me up and tell me I’m strong, and when to pet me and tell me I’m pretty.
You’re armed with both motivational quotes and heartwarming stories, compliments, and chocolate, admiration and affection. You always know what to do and say, even when I think I'm at my most unpredictable.
You've made the effort to know me like the back of your hand. There's never any question about what I want or need and that completely melts my heart.
15. You understand the importance of things like wardrobe, makeup, and passive aggressive comments.
You give sincere compliments on little things you notice. You have actually said "Whatabitch" to support me more than once while I was venting about someone else, and I think I loved you a little bit more when you did.
16. You're always ready to come to my defense, no questions asked.
If you smell a whiff of someone being aggressive toward me, you’ve got my back – hard. You actually get way more mad than I do when somebody else is being a douche to me.
18. You and me? We're an amazing team.
There's literally no one else I would ever want to do life with. I've never been my complete and truest self until you came and showed me how much you love every single little piece of me — the good and the bad.
With you by my side, I know that life is always going to be filled with little moments worth treasuring, and true, genuine happiness. I just want to be with you forever, if you'll have me.