
19 Things To Know Before Dating Someone With An Outgoing Personality But An Anxious Mind


3. We need to dip our foot in the pool first.

We tend not to outwardly express our feelings and spill our struggles in the first few months of hanging out. Or ever. No matter how intensely we feel our anxiety, we’ll never really talk about it.


4. So don’t expect long, open talks about our innermost feelings right away.

We can’t help it, no matter how much we care, and we care a lot, we feel like we might express too much and need to take it back. That’s where sassy comments and distance will come in, but don’t be swayed. You’ve got to dig and notice the vulnerability and sweetness we might be trying to hide.


5. The best thing you can do when you feel distance coming on is to let us know that even though we’re so strong.

It’s ok to let ourselves be weak, sometimes, and fall into someone else’s arms without fear of being vulnerable.


6. There is no such thing as loving us too hard.

Sometimes, we’ll think that you’ll have lost interest. Sometimes we’ll become sure you have. Or, at least, that’s what anxiety says. Don’t let our fierce, outgoing personalities fool you – our over-thinking and mind-numbing introspection is a constant factor in our lives. Deep down we know you care, but it never hurts to just say it that one extra time.