20 Reasons To Date The Chick With Balls

Since balls are generally reserved for men, your chick with balls is a unique one of a kind. There is no other chick out there like her since consequently most of them lack balls, and all balls come in different shapes and sizes of course.

  1. She isn’t afraid to tell it like it is… like the time she let you know you put on a few pounds.
  2. She will never bore you, because nothing about her is soft and common.
  3. Her balls are just as big as yours, so she will probably wear the pants in the relationship.
  4. She can be fearless, fierce, and challenging, but she’s worth it.
  5. Not only is she probably a great shit talker, but she can back it up with action, and knows how to get tough when necessary.
  6. She can probably drink you under the table, or at least keep up, because she will never be one of those flimsy girls who got wasted in the bar and laid there like a damsel in distress.
  7. She is super confident, comfortable in her own skin.
  8. She will never be clingy or needy.
  9. You ‘re around because she wants you not because she needs you, she knows her worth and will make those demands.
  10. She is everything badass, and hardcore, so don’t expect her to easily back down or break down crying.
  11. She’s not afraid to whip those balls out and let you know when you’re wrong.
  12. She doesn’t fit the common boring stereotype of what a woman should be, and she’s not afraid to get her hands rough and dirty.
  13. She know’s she’s a Boss Bitch no matter what so she won’t need you to constantly tell her she’s pretty, or that you love her.
  14. She will never be some fragile emotional wreck, because although she loves you she knows how to love herself first.
  15. Your guy friends will love her since she knows how to lose the vagina every once in a while, and have fun being one of the guys.
  16. She is never easily intimidated, and this girl fears no one.
  17. Good luck trying to hurt her feelings in a dramatic argument, it’s probably not going to happen.
  18. If you’re a guy who needs to be put in your place every now and then, she’s perfect because she will always remind you that she is your equal, and nothing less.
  19. If you’re looking for a sweetheart, she’s not the one. If you are looking for a partner in crime to enrich your life as much as you enrich hers, she’s the one.
  20. She will always have the guys to stand up for you, and is loyal even behind your back. This girl will jump right into the line of fire to defend you.

Published by

Phoebe J.Mikneah

Phoebe is a fun spirited, opinionated Caribbean New Yorker. She is determined to stay young forever, and experience every curve life throws at her. Currently, she is an English major, and Communications minor at Pace university. Her addiction to literature is insatiable and untreatable, so when she is not writing you can always catch her reading. Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/pheobejm

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