
28 Signs Your Life Is A Romantic Comedy, Minus The Romance


17. You saw Paul Rudd at the airport once. You looked into his eyes, but he didn’t notice that you exist.


18. It is always cold and raining because your love life hasn’t blossomed.


19. Your best guy friend is totally in love with you and everyone has told you this (including him), but you’re in denial about it.


20. The guy you’re pining for is a misogynistic player.


21. Your quirky best friend thinks you should totally keep going for him, which is terrible advice.


22. And your gay co-worker thinks he should drop from the face of the earth, or just admit that he’s actually gay already.


23. But you listen to your quirky best friend with the terrible love advice and continue to come over when he booty calls you.


24. And then you cry when he doesn’t text you back or ask you out to eat, or kiss you on the forehead or let you spend the night.


25. Your parents are extremely uptight


26.  . . . Or extremely open about sex.


27. You have a nephew who gives you the best life advice anyone ever has, or ever will.


28. . . . But you don’t notice because he is six years old.


Published by

Carrie Wittmer

Carrie is a dinosaur fanatic living in Brooklyn, NY. Twitter handle: carriesnotscary Facebook URL:

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