28 Things To Know Before Dating Someone Who’s Adorably Clumsy

Clumsy Love

We should wear a warning. Maybe we make the wrong moves, but our intentions are always innocent. We still manage to get through the day in one piece. If we’re with you, you’ll always have someone to laugh with…or at.

We’re more likely to fall over during a date than fall in love with our date.


But as we’ve learned from our unexplainable bodily movements, nothing is impossible.


Normal people trip on cracks in the sidewalk…


We trip on flat floors.


It’s not that we’re clumsy…


It’s just that gravity hates us.


For us, making an effort in a relationship is us trying not to accidentally hurt you when we’re being affectionate.


We’re used to staring at you really hard after we make a sudden movement.


…because we’re trying to figure out Did I just hurt you?


Published by

Shannon Moira

Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/shannonnmoira

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