
30 Signs You’ve Found A Man Who Can Handle An Alpha Female

The sign of a real man? The guy who can handle your strong personality

  1. He doesn’t call you a bitch just because you speak your mind.
  2. He likes when you challenge him…
  3. ..because your no-bullshit-attitude brings you two closer.
  4. He might admit you’re complicated…
  5.  …but he enjoys your strong, complex mind.
  6. He’s been bored in the past with others who were passive and never took charge.
  7. He’s tough but easygoing.
  8. ..because he isn’t easily hurt or offended by your bluntness.
  9. He is excited—not threatened—by your life outside the relationship.
  10. …your career, friends, family, work: he wants to hear about all of them.
  11. He doesn’t waste your time with excessive lateness or flake-outs.
  12. He totally gets that your time is just as valuable as his own.
  13. He doesn’t test your emotional boundaries by playing the cold shoulder.
  14. So you don’t spend nights wondering if he cares about you.
  15. He seems energized by your energy, not drained by it.
  16. When you’re making lots of plans and taking charge, he thinks it makes you awesome, not bossy.
  17. He encourages you to follow your dreams, no matter how crazy they are.
  18. …because he gets that you won’t ever be truly happy as a stay-at-home gal.
  19. He doesn’t walk out when you have late night fights…
  20. …when you’re angry, he takes all your words to heart rather than being turned off by how forward you can be.
  21. On days or nights when you’re busy because you have to put your career first, he doesn’t take it to mean you don’t care about him.
  22. In fact, he seems proud that you’re such a go-getter.
  23. On days or nights, you spend with friends or family, he never gets possessive.
  24. On your girls’ night, he’s happy watching the game, not blowing up your phone jealous about what you’re doing out without him.
  25. He doesn’t second-guess your decisions…
  26. ..but he isn’t afraid to tell you what he really thinks when you need to hear some hard truths.
  27. He doesn’t see your personality as a barrier to intimacy.
  28. He knows that you can hold onto your independence and hold on to him at the same time.
  29. Your Alpha-ness ? you can’t be loving, too.
  30. He gets that you love just as strong as you live all the other parts of your life.

Published by

Shannon Moira

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