
30 Things We Forgot to Thank Our Bartenders For

Bartenders, they're the unsung heroes of every night out. They deal with a lot of drunk people and even drunker crowds. They deal with getting stiffed on tips, and still have to put a smile on their face. They have late nights and early morning, for people who don’t even appreciate what they do. They have a profession, some don’t respect. But in reality, the only reason you are having a good night at all, is because of them. 

To every bar tender I’ve ever had…I thank you. I appreciate you. And even in my drunkest states, I do remember you.

  1. Thanks for not judging me, to my face….
  2. Even though I was so drunk, I probably didn’t notice of you did.
  3. Thanks for listening to my drunk confessions…
  4. And probably only repeating it to your girlfriend or boyfriend.
  5. Thanks for coming to me first…
  6. Even when the bar is crowded.
  7. Thanks for making my drink perfect…
  8. And watering it down, when I had too much.
  9. Thanks for the free drink…
  10. When I could have paid.
  11. Thanks for telling off that creep…
  12. Who continued to hit on me.
  13. Thanks for breaking up that fight…
  14. And risking getting punched yourself.
  15. I know it’s your job to be nice…
  16. But I really do enjoy our encounters.
  17. Thanks for not kicking me out…
  18. That time I tripped over my two feet.
  19. Thanks for not charging me more….
  20. When I probably wouldn’t have noticed anyway.
  21. Thanks for cutting me off…
  22. Even though I probably put up a fight.
  23. Thanks for giving me water…
  24. Even though I probably didn’t want it.
  25. Thanks for calling a cab for me…
  26. To ensure I got home safe.
  27. Thanks for not thinking I’m an alcoholic…
  28. Even if my friends and I walk the thin line of alcoholism.
  29. Thanks for being a stand up guy or girl…
  30. It’ll reflect in your next tip.

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