31 Promises You Only Make with Your Best Friend

There's nothing better than a best friend – someone we can count on no matter what. And so there are things we promise our best friends that we wouldn't promise to anyone else: 

  1. To not judge you when you ugly cry.
  2. To pick you up from your one night stand.
  3. And not judge you for whom your one night stand was.
  4. To pretend to accept your TMI apology even though we both know that’s not possible.
  5. Not to judge you for binge watching One Tree Hill again.
  6. Not to talk during your favorite show.
  7. To help you eat everything in sight, especially at 2 a.m.
  8. To encourage you to take one more shot.
  9. And then take care of you at the end of the night.
  10. To never bring up your drunken mistakes unless you bring them up first.
  11. To delete every unflattering picture of you.
  12. Or crop you out of it if it’s a good one of me.
  13. To like every one of your Instagram posts even seconds after posting it.
  14. Not to judge you when you decide to skip the shower for the second day.
  15. To sing just as loudly as you while driving in the car.
  16. To be just as emotionally invested in your love life.
  17. Never to ask you to pay me back (I probably owe you money, anyway).
  18. To send you pointless texts about random thoughts and food cravings.
  19. And continue to text you even though you haven’t answered.
  20. To stay updated on your family drama.
  21. Not to judge you for your Google history.
  22. Or your top friends on Snapchat…unless I’m not one of them.
  23. To share my Netflix, HBO and Showtime passwords with you.
  24. To read every convo screen shot you send me.
  25. To give you relationship advice even though we both know you just wanted to vent.
  26. To send you every video or article link I liked.
  27. To wait patiently for you to answer me because you’re not good at multitasking.
  28. To be fully committed to getting in shape…until the weekend comes and we’re over it.
  29. To judge your ex’s new girlfriend more than you do.
  30. To always have a "what’s mine is yours" policy about everything from food to clothes.
  31. To wait in the bathroom line with you when we go out…no matter how long or gross the bathroom is.

Published by

Amanda D Houli

She lives in Howell, New Jersey. Currently a senior at Loyola University Maryland studying Business Economics and Information Systems.  Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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