19) For running your hands through my hair when we’re cuddled up on the couch watching a movie or football, seriously you don’t know how wonderful that actually feels.
20) For binge watching a new show on Netflix with me and not judging me for that extra scoop of ice cream.
21) For always keeping my favorite soda and candy in stock for when I come over.
22) For hanging out with my friends and getting to know them.
23) For appreciating me, calling me beautiful and amazing are sweet but to know that you really appreciate me means a lot to me.
24) For putting effort into our relationship.
25) For being a closet sappy romantic. I know that it’s not normally your style but the times you let it slip are so cute.
26) For not judging me when I haven’t shaved my legs in a few days and still roam around in shorts.
27) For going to places you really don’t want to, but I do.