When a relationship ends, it’s devastating because you don’t realize all the things you are actually losing. You aren’t just losing a person, you’re losing all the little things that came along with it.
1. You lose the ability to call him whenever you want.
2. You remove the lock screen photo of the two of you.
3. You take down all the photos off the walls.
4. You lose the feeling of him rolling over in the middle of the night and putting his arms around you.
5. You say goodbye to the way he smelled right after he got out of the shower.
6. Or the way he smelled when he wore your favorite cologne.
7. You say goodbye to that over-sized sweatshirt of his that you always wore.
8. You say goodbye to the sound of his laugh.
9. You say goodbye to the way he pulled your hair out of your face.
10. You say goodbye to the way his lips felt on yours.
11. You say goodbye to the way your heart fluttered every time he lifted your chin to kiss you.
12. His voice telling you he loved you becomes a faded memory.
13. You say goodbye of the days you spent under the sheets.
14. You say goodbye to the way he always knew if something was wrong.
15. You say goodbye to the little surprises he’d bring you to show he cared.
16. You say goodbye to the cute little moments where he was romantic when he wasn’t even trying.
17. You say goodbye to coffee dates.
18. You say goodbye to having him in your corner.
19. You say goodbye to always having a dinner date.
20. You say goodbye always knowing who your plus 1 was.
21. You say goodbye to the friends you’ve made together.
22. You say goodbye to his family, which had become like a second family to you.
23. You say goodbye to a chapter of your life.
24. You say goodbye to the familiar.
25. You say goodbye to texting him when you’re lonely.
26. You say goodbye to the one person you could be yourself in front of.
27. You say goodbye to countless adventures.
28. You say goodbye to the arms that wrapped you close when you felt yourself breaking down.
29. You say goodbye to good morning texts.
30. You say goodbye to knowing one person would never let you go to bed upset.
31. You say goodbye to having someone reassure you how great you are.
32. You say goodbye to him calling you beautiful even when you have no makeup on.
33. You say goodbye to the way his hand fit perfectly in yours.
34. You say goodbye to the person who knew every little detail about you.
35. You say goodbye to the man who drove you crazy and happy all at once.
36. You say goodbye to knowing after one too many shots him being a phone call away.
37. You say goodbye to weekend brunches in bed.
38. You say goodbye to cuddling on the couch watching Sunday night football.
39. You say goodbye to being his girl.
40. You say goodbye to all the little things he did that you hated but secretly loved.
41. You say goodbye to all the future plans you thought of with him.
42. You let go of the “what ifs”?.
43. You stop thinking of the “should have been”?.
44. You lose the title of his girlfriend.
45. You say goodbye to your Snapchat streak.
46. Ultimately you say goodbye to your best friend.
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