51 Cute and Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

Say Sweet Somethings

Men have hearts too, and they want to know how much they mean to you. It is our duty as girlfriends to make our boyfriends feel special and secure. There are so many cute and sweet things we can say to our boyfriends to put a smile on their face, and we probably could go on and on about how much they mean to us, so here are  51 cute and sweet things to say to your boyfriend to let them know that they are special:

1. I like you more than coffee. And knowing me, that says A LOT.


2. No one has ever come close to making me feel the way you do.


3. The day I met you will forever be one of the most amazing days of my life.


4. You feel like home.


5. You are not only my boyfriend, you are also my best friend.


6. I am falling in love with you each day.


7. You give me the biggest butterflies. No, not butterflies. You give me the whole damn zoo.


8. There are so many reasons why I love you, and I wish I could put them all into words.


9. Last night I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you.


Published by

Justice Parker

Fueled by a sassy little girl, strong coffee, and loud laughter Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/justicenicoleannparker

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