There’s nothing so frustrating as having to play mediator between your parents and your significant other. You love all three of them, and the last thing you want is for one or both parties to dislike one another. When two (or three) people who are thrust into close situations don’t get along, complications almost always arise. And who wants to be put in the position to have to choose between the people who raised you and the person you love?
If your parents seem to hate your love interest, it might be because…
He’s Obnoxious
You might be blinded by love, but your parents certainly aren’t. If your significant other is a little too much to handle for the average person, he probably just rubs your parents the wrong way. Some people simply don’t mesh well with others, and unfortunately, your boyfriend might be a difficult person to get along with.
She Was Raised Differently
Maybe your girlfriend wasn’t taught how to behave around her significant other’s parents, or her version of etiquette and respect is just a little bit different than yours. Whatever the reason, a culture clash might be to blame. Both your parents and your significant other should recognize that we don’t all come from the same background, and certain things that they value might not always translate directly. If this is the case, it’s best to impress on both parties that the tension is unintentional.
Your Parents Would Hate Anyone
Some parents are totally irrational when it comes to their little girl or boy. They don’t see you as a grown man or woman capable of navigating your love life accordingly; they see a preschooler who still needs mommy and daddy’s help. You need to explain to your parents that what you feel for your girlfriend or boyfriend is valid and worthy of respect, and they’re just going to need to understand that “good enough” is your judgement call–not theirs.
He Doesn’t Treat You Well
Of course, sometimes, your parents’ dislike for your boyfriend is totally justified. If you’re dating a cruel person, or someone who doesn’t treat you the way you deserve, they’re going to hate him. And they’d be right to.
She Isn’t As Serious As You Are
If your parents recognize that you’re ready to propose to your girlfriend, but she’s absolutely not ready to accept, their disdain is probably more pity than actual hate. They know you’re about to get your heart broken, and they know it won’t be anyone’s fault. It isn’t personal; they just love you.
You’ve Changed Since You Two Started Dating
Your parents love you, and they want you to be true to the person they raised. If you’re behaving like a chameleon and changing a little too much of yourself to fit your girlfriend or boyfriend’s standards, they’re going to be disappointed. They adore you for exactly who you are, and they’re going to want your significant other to love you, too.