Alpha Females are often terribly misunderstood by Beta women and lesser males. When this happens, they’re called a bitch, whore, etc. The reality is, they will not be confined by “appropriateness,? and choose to be defined by their courage, bravery, and their decisions to go after the life they want.
Here are 7 common misconceptions about an alpha female that are actually pretty annoying:
1. They’re sarcastic because they’re mean.
Alphas are sarcastic with their friends because they’re playful and want to bond, not because they’re mean. Their sarcasm is humorous, not rude, by nature.
They like to play around not because they dislike people, but because they want to eliminate barriers between people. They would never laugh at you if they didn’t think you could laugh at them too.
2. Alpha’s are bitches.
People often confuse having a backbone for being a bitch. It’s very easy to get along with someone who is more submissive, a “go with the flow? attitude, someone who doesn’t open their mouth when they don’t like something.
But an alpha female will risk tension because she will not put her needs aside to keep the peace at any cost. If she feels disrespected, she will call that person out. When this happens, it’s easy to her a “bitch? a “villain? or a “narcissist” because she’s not easy and she’ll call you out on your shit, but the reality is she just has balls, respect for herself and her boundaries.