7 Struggles of Dating Interracially

Okay guys, it’s time to talk about interracial dating. Dating is already confusing enough with the growing number of new dating apps, the hookup culture, and the constant new ways to label or not label relationships.


However, what happens when we throw race into the mix? Believe it or not, interracial couples can face unique obstacles that no one talks about; myself included.

Let’s dive in!


1. The Approach.

Like it or not, not everyone is into interracial dating.  This causes hesitation for potential partners to approach you due to fear of rejection. Just keep smiling and don’t be afraid to break the ice.


2. So Called “Compliments”.

Ladies and Gentlemen, saying you’re cute for a “insert race here” is not a compliment. You are basically saying, ‘Normally I don’t think other people in your race are attractive, but I guess you’re the exception.’ Not cool. Please, stop.


3. Stereotypes.  

“Sorry, I don’t like rap music and I don’t know how to twerk.” Yes, all cultures and ethnicities carry stereotypes and biases about other groups of people. However, instead of assuming that everyone from a culture is what we see in the media, get to know them.

Find out all of their quirks and interests. I know its cliché, but you really can’t judge a book by its cover. They may surprise you.


Published by

Tiara Brown

I'm a nerdy, quirky, and at times an awkward girl in her twenties that is just trying to figure out this crazy thing called, life. Eh...adulting...am I right? I write about work, relationships, and of course the insane curve balls that life just loves to throw at us. Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Tiara-Brown-1553554384940076/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

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