4. You will resent the person you cheated with.
Whether it was a friend or a complete stranger, you will be looking to blame someone for your slip up.
If you’re not busy blaming your partner for their lack of attention, you will be looking to the person you cheated with.
I spent a long time wondering “Why me?” But I spent an even longer time hating the person I woke up next to that morning. We used to be friends, but now we never could be again. Our affair ruined that.
5. Your mind will wander.
Sadly, you cheated on your SO for a reason. Whether you were drunk and lonely, or you were attracted to the other person for a long time, when you are back to reality with your significant other, you will probably find your mind drifting from them to your “hot fling.”
It’s sure to overwhelm you with gut-wrenching guilt.
6. You may hate yourself.
I know I did. For the next few months following my confession to my SO, I fell into a bout of depression.
I didn’t want to get out of bed. The guilt was eating at me, and I felt like I couldn’t get away from it. I spent hours and hours crying over something I could no longer change.
I wanted to sleep my life away and sometimes, not wake up. It’s heavy stuff, I know, but it couldn’t be more true. Take it from someone who lived it.