Alpha Women
What Is An Alpha Female?
I praise all the confident, badass Alpha Women out there. These are women with a backbone, who stand up for what they believe, who aren’t easy— as in, they don’t just go with the flow.
They don’t let the guy do whatever he wants. You’ll tell her she’s ‘ride or die’ and her response will be: Where are we riding to? Why do I have to die? Can we stop to get food? Why didn’t you like my pic?
She is not simple, no doubt. She is a challenge for any man, and she demands more from everyone because she sees great potential – and that’s what makes her so amazing.
So who’s right for the Alpha Female? What kind of man can keep her grounded while still challenging her to grow and be the best she can without taking away her spark? He….
1. Knows how to deal with your temper or bad moods.
This is probably the most important one. Your anger can quickly scare and intimidate unevolved or Beta males, but the guy who’s right for you will understand that your anger comes from passion.
He will understand that you sometimes argue with him at inopportune times because you’re emotional and you care. And he not only understands, but will love you for it because he knows that he’ll never find someone as real or passionate as you.
2. He communicates with you.
He’s always honest with you. He communicates his needs – sounds simple, but you’d be surprised. The last thing a boss female needs is for the guy to not like confrontation, pretend everything is good, repress his feelings and then have it all explode one day.
Boss women are blunt because they want to avoid drama. The guy who’s right for you will understand that you do not like to argue, your approach to conflicts is more direct so it may appear like you do, but he won’t be fooled – he’ll understand that you want to listen and talk things out in a meaningful and real way so that fights are avoided, not started, and he will have enough balls to do the same.
3. And he makes you laugh.
You’re strong-willed and fiery so the most important thing for you is to be with a guy who can also make you loosen up. He can make you laugh in literally any situation, and even though he’s a boss himself, he doesn’t mind making a fool of himself if it means getting a smile out of you.
4. He likes a challenge.
Basic, simple girls bore him – he doensn’t want the girl who doesn’t get angry, who nods and laughs and is always comfortable. He doesn’t want the girl who let’s him do whatever he wants and wants to keep the peace at any cost, even if that means putting her needs aside.
Instead, he wants fire, he wants a challenge, and he loves and appreciates your fiery nature. He doesn’t feel intimidated by your dynamic personality; instead, he embraces it. And he actually likes it when you outsmart him.
5. And he’ll call you out when you need to be called out.
He’s not afraid to call you out on your shit. If you’re acting like a raging bitch, he’ll never be put off by it because he loves all the facets of your personality, but he sure as hell will call you out on it. You learn from him in many ways, but you never feel like he’s pushing you or judging you. You teach each other lessons that make you both better people.
This is the type of guy that will never let you jerk him around, and this is exactly the type of guy that you will never get bored with, either.
6. You two are moving at the same speed.
He’s as equally passionate and ambitious as you are. His eyes flicker with passion about a number of different subjects and the most important thing of all – he never gives up on his dreams or your relationship.
7. He’s balanced.
He is both passionate and grounded. A boss female needs a man who’s her equal, her partner, her greatest supporter. But she doesn’t just need passion, she needs steadiness too.
This type of guy finds sexiness in stability, and would never even waste a second of his time flirting with girls at the bar or leading some chick on because he knows what he has and how special you are.
He doesn’t make excuses. There’s never going to be a, “but baby I’m so depressed….I contacted all those girls because I’m…depressed..” He never puts his issues on you, and would never use his issues as an excuse to treat you poorly.
8. And he’s not a talk-er, he’s a do-er.
Boss females can see right through bullshit – one of their many superpowers. The most annoying thing to a boss female is guy who’s a talker – that relationship will end real quick.
The guy who’s right for the boss female will be the one who follows through with actions, not words. Whether it be his promise to never do that thing that hurt you, or his plan to make his goal a reality – you know 100 percent that he will do it.
9. His opinions are backed up.
Another thing that annoys the alpha female more than anything is an idiot, a pseudo-intellectual, as well as their annoying political statuses on Facebook.
The guy who is right for the boss female will be the who has well-rounded opinions with factual bases. Being educated, sound and empathetic in his understanding of the world around him is very important to him.
10. He’s never condescending.
You’ll never see what I like to call a “Miss America” Facebook status from him, a status complaining about how shallow and awful modern society is, all the while indirectly pointing out how amazing and intelligent he is by caring about “real” issues of the world.
He never bitches, and if he ever does make a status, it’ll be about what he’s actually doing to change things instead of making condescending beauty pageant statuses.
11. And he’s a source of comfort for you.
You never feel like you’re tiptoeing around him or walking on eggshells. And you know he can handle you. You feel at ease because when you’re angry, he somehow gets you. And knows how to deal with you more than anyone else.
He knows how passionate and sensitive you are. And he knows you get easily overwhelmed by the world. He lets you have your space and knows when to hold you in his arms.
12. He knows when to drop it and when to address it.
He’ll stand his ground when he knows he is right but he’s also the first one to apologize when he’s wrong. Though he’ll argue with you, he’s not unwilling to compromise if it means ending a fight.