
All This Temporary Bullshit Is Making Me Lose Faith in Love

These little games have taken all of my energy. I don’t have any effort left in me to keep on trying to make things work that I know will end in my heart breaking and these guys walking away just fine. I am over spending hours on my hair and makeup in hopes will find a guy that will treat me right this time. Wearing skin-tight dresses and uncomfortable heels. When it always ends in sleepless nights and fake smiles.

So I am done actively looking for love because I know that is only gonna end in pain. I am at a point that I need to avoid all the pain I can. I am done being collateral damage of a boy that doesn’t know what he wants. I know exactly what I want so I am done lowering my self-worth for boys who end up not being worth my time.

I have lost hope in finding someone that will treat me right. Too many times my texts have been left unread and I ended up lonely on a Friday night. I want someone who genuinely cares about me and will stick around. Someone who wants to introduce to their family on a Sunday morning not just their friends on a Friday night. Who can prove that I am the only one he’s talking to. Someone who sees me in his future not just his bed.

Maybe one-day prince charming will come along and sweep me off my feet. But for right now, I am done putting in effort only to get my heart broken. I want more than temporary.

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