An Open Letter To The Guy Who Helped Me Feel Beautiful Again


Because he wants to spend the rest of our lives together and I’m perfectly willing/would love to do that because everyday he reminds me just how beautiful I am.



Beauty isn’t just about pretty hair, mine is suffering from new growth from some I lost in the car accident so mine looks like a halo of frizzies half the time. And it isn’t about the perfect body because mine is covered in scars and I’ve put on weight since I can’t work out and the meds make me gain weight too.



So if that was all that beauty came down to, well then I would be SOL. Thankfully this man has reminded me that it’s about loving life and laughter. It’s about searching for the good in others and helping them find the beauty in themselves as well.


Beauty comes from your heart. You have to have fun. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and that’s what this experience has taught me and that’s what he helps me to understand everyday.



The Girl Who Feels Beautiful

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I love my puppy dog and football. Family is life. Happiness is success. Oh and our time here is very limited; we never know when our days are up. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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