An Open Letter To The Guy Who Helped Me Feel Beautiful Again

To The Guy Who Helped Me Feel Beautiful Again,

Let me start by saying thank you and not just for making me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world; but for everything else you do to make feel like I could seriously take on a bear or rule the world. You make me feel like there are no limits to what I can do, I know there are but it is how you make me feel and I appreciate that.


I am pretty girl, I always have been. My entire life I was the pretty one and my sister was jealous of me. She wasn’t ugly by any means, but she was much smarter than me; I was jealous of her because I had to study my butt off.


What’s the saying God doesn’t give with both hands? Yeah. He gave just enough to both of us to make us jealous of the other. She was a straight A student with no studying. I was A, B student with a ton of it, so now apply the same logic with looks.


I never had any trouble with my skin. It was flawless, not a single scar, well up until a year ago that is.



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I love my puppy dog and football. Family is life. Happiness is success. Oh and our time here is very limited; we never know when our days are up. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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