
And When She’s Had Enough, This Is What You’ll Miss

She was the girl who saw past your flaws. She’s the one who saw the light in you and supported you, spoiled you and unconditionally loved you. She was not afraid to let you into her heart but she never imagined that the risk of getting a broken heart would be way too high.

She held onto you for as long as she could, but she realized that she was giving way more than she was receiving.

She’s had enough and staying would have been a betrayal to her soul, so you gave her no choice but to walk away.

She waited for you to give her a reason to stay, to give her a smidgen of hope that you would change, but no, you had no intention to fight for her

You got too comfortable being loved by her without realizing that her needs were as important as yours.

You didn’t fight for her and the truth is, you’re going to regret it. You’re going to miss her like crazy. You’ll realize that letting her go was the dumbest thing you’ve ever done in your life.

You’re going to realize that she’s probably the only person in this world besides yourself that actually gets you.

You’re going to find yourself understanding how she had the ability to motivate you like no other and that it was with her that you were able to be the best version of yourself.

Because she was a selfless girl with a big heart who gave you more than you deserved. You took advantage of her until you sucked the life out of her. Shame on you.

You can be sure that when you least expect it, the memory of her is going to creep in and you will long for her loving touch and the way she looked at you.

Because she looked at you and made you feel relevant, it made you feel like you had potential. She made you feel loved and you never felt love like hers before. You’re going to miss all of her so much is going to drive you off the wall.

She will no longer be there for you and you’ll realize how much you actually need her in your life.

You’ll wish you would have appreciated her sooner, you’ll wish you hugged her and kissed her every time she spent the night sleeping next to you.

You’re going to miss how she always went out of the way to cater to your needs and make you happy. You were so used to her making you the center of her world, you didn’t realize how she was the only one around you making you a priority.

No one cares for you as much as she did and you know it. You’re going to feel it the most when you have no one to turn to when you need cheering or a simple pad in the back.

Her absence will be so painful it will punish you for every single time you did her wrong. You’ll ask yourself a million times why you couldn’t see how much she meant to you. There’s no going back, you lost your chance, she was the one for you and you let her slip away.

You’ll experience heartache for the first time and you will be the only one to blame for it.

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