Breakup Advice That No One Tells Us (But Actually Works)


Burn His Things = Keep All His Things


Everything he ever gave you, or left at your house— keep it. (Unless, he’s asking for it back, don’t be weird.)

Put all the notes, gifts, and memories in a shoebox. Then, add to the box every time a man gives you something. A rose from a stranger, a ticket stub from a movie date, a pen from the hot waiter— put in there.

Keep adding until the box is so full, you can’t close the lid.

Then, think about all the nice guys you encounter who have given you things. There are so many guys in the world that will give you things.

You COULD fill a shoebox if you wanted to. So, why not do it?

It’s a reminder that there are actually a lot of men in the world, and collecting items from these men might turn into a game that will force you to meet new people.

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