7 Dating Mistakes To Avoid In 2020 So Your Love Life Isn’t God Awful Again

6. Introducing each other to your family before either of you are ready.

The best way to scare the person you are dating off, introduce them to your family a day after you are seriously together. Introducing each other to families should occur only when you are both ready for that. It does not need to happen right away. Yes, it is important that the person you are with meets your family and they approve but you want good first impressions to be made and that will not occur if the other person is not ready to meet them.


7. Putting a timeline on your relationship.

Nothing ever goes as planned in life. We already know this. So, don’t make the mistake of putting extra pressure on your relationship with a timeline. You don’t need to be engaged within a year, you don’t need to meet families within a week of being together and you definitely don’t need to be living together by the six-month mark. Take things slow. Your relationship will be better off that way.

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