cute couple

Don’t Date Until You Find A Guy Who Actually Pursues You

“Wait for the person who pursues you, the one who will make an ordinary moment seem magical, the kind of person who brings out the best in you and makes you want to be a better person.”

Wanting the guy who makes an effort, the one who actually gives a shit about who you are is not a lot to ask for. Your heart’s gone through its share of heartache and disappointment. You know your worth and settling for the occasional booty call is no longer an option. You definitely deserve the guy who actually pursues you. 

You want the chase, the excitement of someone putting in the effort. 

You need someone to show you how much they care about getting to know you. You want the kind of love that sweeps you off your feet.

Pursuing a girl should be a must but it sadly gets swept under the rug by most guys.

It takes grit and a level of maturity to master the act of pursuing a girl the right way. Some guys, even if mature, are, for the most part, practical beings. They don’t really see the importance of making the extra effort to get the girl they like.

Not every guy out there is going to miss the mark when it comes to pursuing your heart. 

It’s up to you to be picky with your heart. You should be patient and overall strong enough to set the bar high and wait for the guy who can measure up to your rightful love expectations.

Date the guy who will respect your vulnerability.

This guy will never use your vulnerability against you. Instead, he’ll appreciate you for everything that you are. Good or bad, he will celebrate the beauty in your imperfections.

Because he knows that he’s imperfect too and he’s not afraid to be vulnerable around you.

He’s confident about who he is and wants someone confident enough to measure up to his independence.

Wait for this guy, because he’ll respect your independence too and will take pride in pursuing you with all the romance and zero bullshit that you want and need.

He will make plans to get to know you instead of wait for you to do so.

This guy will take the time to get to know what you like and dislike and will be excited to surprise you with his initiative and creativity.

He will not be afraid to show you that he cares.

He is confident of who he is and what he wants and will go the extra mile to get what his heart desires.

He will chase you with excitement because he’s genuinely interested in you. 

No games, no bs. He takes pride in his ability to pursue you like your heart rightfully deserves.

Because he’s in touch with his emotions and knows the importance of being open with you about what he feels.

He will compliment you but he will also let you know if something bothers him about you. This guy will see the value in you and will never let you feel less than. 

He respects the process of getting to know someone special and what it takes to put in the effort to show you that he’s worthy of your heart.

You deserve to wait for the guy who wholeheartedly wants you and is not afraid to show it. Wait for this guy, because he’ll never get tired of letting you know how much he cares and how much you’re worth being loved.