Relationships end for many reasons, and you may still be coming to terms with the recent conclusion of your relationship. As difficult as this time can be, you have many options available to you to help you progress and resolve the situation. There are a number of trusted and experienced divorce lawyers in Melbourne who can assist you through this journey to ensure you get the outcome you are looking for.
No matter how you are feeling right now, remember things will eventually get better and this difficult situation will soon be behind you. It’s important to understand what you can do to ensure an amicable separation from your ex and move forward with your life as soon as possible. Separating from your partner can be a stressful experience but with the right approach, you can ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible and you and your ex have an amicable separation.
Let’s take a look at six steps you can follow to ensure an amicable separation from your partner.
Communicate What You Need
Having open conversations can help ensure you are both on the same page in your understanding of the processes that need to be completed. Take time to prepare and learn about what you will need to complete when filing for separation and ensure that the other person is also aware of what they need to do. With any relationship, it will take time to untangle your lives and figure out the best course of action, so make sure you are clear on what you need and want to achieve.
Write Stuff Down
At times it can be easier to write than to speak. If you feel conversations are not serving to progress your situation, then try emailing your ex to lay out your thoughts clearly. Writing down what you want to communicate can help you consider what you want to say, and also gives the other person time to digest your words and then respond in a calm, considered way.
Be Honest About Your Finances
The subject of finances always has the potential to be divisive and can easily increase tensions between you and your ex-partner. The only way that you both get what you want in this area of your separation, is, to be honest, and open about what you need.
To start the process, you should perform an audit of both your family spend and your personal spend, making a written record of all the details. Also, consider whether you should close any joint accounts and look at how you can best approach any jointly held credit cards. It can be helpful to create a budget to help determine whether you are both able to live separately from one another, whilst still covering living costs, paying bills, and taking care of the needs of your children. If it is proving difficult to have these conversations, then seek advice from a professional to help navigate this often difficult issue.
Remain Mindful Of Your Children
Separation is a difficult process for kids and one that can be upsetting and confusing. Remember that you both need to be there for them throughout the process to ensure that they handle everything well. Try to explain in the best you can what is happening, and make sure they know they will still have access to both of you when they need their parents. Although you may be separating, your child still deserves to have relationships with family on both sides. It’s important to strive to establish a stable arrangement for each partner, ensuring there is equal access on a regular basis.
Practice Meditation
In the midst of all this stress and rearranging, it can be difficult to find a moment of peace and calm. Practicing meditation once a day can help you realign and set clear intentions. Meditation has a positive impact on your mood and can help quieten daily stresses. Having a little quiet time set aside just for you can also help you gain some clarity in your thoughts.
Create A Support Network
Going through a separation, it won’t always be plain sailing. There will be moments where you need to lean on someone and ask for their support. Talk to friends and family and make them aware of how you are coping with the ongoing situation. Seeking out support will help progress your healing and acceptance, and it will keep those closest to you aware of what you need.
When leaning on friends and family, be sure to make it clear you don’t want to point blame at your ex. Having family and friends bad mouthing this person will not help resolve your feelings and may hinder the process of you building a good relationship with your former partner going forward. It is far more helpful if these voices offer support and balanced advice.
Look After Your Own Needs To Ensure Your Separation Goes Smoothly
Remember to check in with yourself throughout and after going through a separation. Your mental wellbeing during the progression of this situation is important, and you need to take care of yourself. If things get too difficult, remember you are not alone, and that there are professional services available that can offer help to see you through the tough times. With the right help and support through your separation proceedings, you will be in a better frame of mind to deal with the issues at hand and reach an amicable solution with your ex.