11. And who maybe sometimes needs a little clarification and reassurance.
12. The wife who is honestly not here for your crap.
if you want a wife that will cook and clean for you then that’s not me. BUT if you want a wife who will support and love you unconditionally then again, that’s not me. i don’t like you
— beth mccoll (@imteddybless) August 5, 2018
13. The wife who’ll spend 45 minutes on a really good prank.
14. The wife who knows part of a good relationship is embarrassing the hell out of your partner in public. (Little known secret!)
15. The woman who will hold onto that grudge like she’s clinging on to a rope dangling from a cliff.
Sitting beside an old couple in the train and overheard the Wife saying “Go back to your ex then” and the Husband replied saying “ we have been married for 40years now. Can you drop it already?” HAHAHAH THATS ME AS A WIFE
— sangeetha ? (@sangsss_) August 1, 2018