23 Funny Wives Who Are Total Relationship Goals

11. And who maybe sometimes needs a little clarification and reassurance.

12. The wife who is honestly not here for your crap.

13. The wife who’ll spend 45 minutes on a really good prank.

14. The wife who knows part of a good relationship is embarrassing the hell out of your partner in public. (Little known secret!)


15. The woman who will hold onto that grudge like she’s clinging on to a rope dangling from a cliff.

16. The woman who is helpful when it comes to fashion.


17. The woman who knows the necessity of a good cry.


18. The woman who doesn’t need an apron.


19. The woman who knows how to get a man’s attention.


20. The woman who tells her spouse only as much as he needs to know. (After all, why burden him?)

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