blunt dad

Things That Happen When You Grow Up With A Blunt Dad

For many girls, fathers are their first loves. Dads are our teachers, caregivers, and best friends. But growing up with a blunt dad is a totally different ballgame. He’s hilarious and fun, but he’ll always tell it like it is. He never had to beat around the bush when trying to teach or discipline you. If that dress was too short, he’d tell you exactly what you look like.

1. Your dad tells the best jokes and stories.

Blunt people are brutally honest. Describing life exactly as it is, with a little bit of sarcastic humor thrown in there, can be hilarious. When your dad gets started, there’s no stopping him. And there’s no escape from the gut-wrenching laughter, either.

2. He has no problem confronting you about your modesty (or lack thereof).

If you were one of those teeny sixteen-year-olds who got dressed up to “go out,” your dad made sure you were kept in line. He wasn’t terribly strict per se, but he was not going to let you out of the house in that dress. The one that made you look like a hooker. Nope, not happening.

3. He gives you the best life advice.

A blunt dad calls it as he sees it. Even if you don’t ask for advice, he’ll tell you what you need to hear. If you’re clearly miserable at your summer internship or hate your major, he’ll sit you down and tell you to look at different paths. A blunt dad won’t just sit around and support you no matter what. He’ll do that, but he’ll direct you down the path you need to take.

4. Your dad always corrected your mistakes.

If you messed up, he’d tell you. But he wouldn’t get mad and get over it. He’d teach you, and help you learn from your mess up. He’d joke and say “Ok, well that was awful.” But he’d make you get back up and try again until you got it right.

5. When your teenage boyfriends came over to meet the parents, he’d tell you his opinion with the most brutal honesty.

It was either, “that was a good kid,” or “HA! get rid of him as fast as you can.” You might have rolled your eyes and dismissed his honesty, but deep down, you know that his judgments were spot on. And thank god for that, because he saved you from a ton of deadbeat scumbags.

6. Your dad would critique your middle school group of friends and steer you in the right direction.

If you had a friend that was too loud, obnoxious, or too shy to say hello, he’d call them out on it. Albeit, he’d be polite, but you were mortified. Your dad likes people who are upfront and direct, so carrying a conversation with your little friends wasn’t too pleasant for him. If it were up to him, he’d tell you who to hang out with.

7. You were never reprimanded by your dad. He taught you how to see things in a different light.

If you broke the rules, your dad wasn’t angry or upset. He was disappointed. But he told you exactly what you did wrong, how you needed to change, and how to be consistent. And when you worked it out, your dad was first to tell you how great you are.

8. He defined the parameters of right and wrong.

Blunt people are black and white. There’s no wishy-washy grey area. So there’s no cutting corners or taking the easy way out with your blunt dad around. He’ll call you out on your laziness, procrastination, or anger. And he’ll help you through it.

9. His love for you is unconditional and pure.

Even though he’s blunt, he’s still a mush for his little girl. You know your dad loves you no matter what, and he’ll always be by your side to guide you and support you through it all.


Published by

Lauren Leonhardt

Lauren currently attends NYU where she double majors in Journalism and French. When she's not interning or in class, she likes to binge watch Dance Moms, scroll through tumblr, and attempts to cook without burning down her Stuytown apartment. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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