2. When someone “up and downs” you with their eyes when speaking to you.
When having a conversation, there’s no reason for someone to completely once-over your body, stopping in inappropriate places checking our your assets. Sexual harassment does not always have to be verbal, in fact, most of the times women experience sexual harassment it is non-verbal.
3. When you’re told not to wear something in school or in the workplace.
You’re being sexualized for your body, often times things you cannot control. The other person or parties involved are sexualizing you, even though you may be dressed completely “appropriately.”
4. People making sexual jokes around you to bring up sex, or make you feel uncomfortable.
In certain settings, it’s completely inappropriate to talk about sex or insinuate any type of sexual conversation, especially in the workplace. It’s important to speak up if you feel uncomfortable. If you have and the person still brings up such topics around you, it’s harassment at that point in time.