For real. Do you really want to be one of those girls? I know you’re excited. She’s excited for you! Meeting a great guy is good news. Ditching your friends because of him, not so much. Here are some tips to help you find the balance between being a good friend and a good girl friend.
Make Girls’ Night a Priority:
It doesn’t mean that you have to go out clubbing (all the time) or even go anywhere at all. Sometimes, a bottle of wine with your dearest friend can create those treasured moments that make a friendship stronger.
Don’t Make Her Your Weeknight Go To:
Duh. Saving all your time for your boyfriend on the weekends can backfire. First off, your friend will think you’re bitchy. Secondly, you’re going to come across as needy to him. We all know where that gets you.
Include the BF and BFF together:
Sunday brunch, dinner parties, skiing…there has to be something they have in common, well, besides you. Take time and arrange for them to get to know each other. It makes it more comfortable for everyone when people play nicely.
Remember What Happened Last Time:
Oops. I said it. Chances are your BFF was around for your last break up. Think of how awful you felt trying to get back into her good graces because you were totally out of his.
Stand Up For Yourself:
A really good guy, the kind of guy you deserve, will not feel threatened and play head games if you say you’re spending time with friends. He should encourage you to have fun and continue to be the person he was attracted to in the first place. A man that makes you choose between him and your friends is an easy decision….your friends.
Take Time to Show Appreciation to Your BFF:
A friendship, like any other relationship needs nurturing to grow. Think of it as a garden. Left untended, it’s a mess. Send funny cards, pick up little trinkets you know she likes and stay connected. Don’t lose the threads of conversation.
Play Hooky:
BFFs are the perfect person with whom to blow off work, get a mani-pedi and have a lunch somewhere no one will run into you.
Introduce Her to His Brother/Best Friend/Cousin:
They don’t have to fall in love, but having groups that connect like this widens not only your circle of friends, but hers as well. If nothing else, you’ll have something to laugh about later.
Ask Yourself, “Am I A Good Friend???:
Only you and your BFF will know the true answer to this. If you’re squirming reading this, then maybe you need to start applying the old adage, “the best way to have a good friend is to be one.??
Don’t Feel Guilty for Being In Love:
On the flip side of a controlling boyfriend, you can have the jealous BFF. Recognize that she may be feeling left out and a little envious. Be kind. Be a true friend, but don’t make excuses for how you feel. If you’re being a true friend to her, the relationship between you and your boyfriend doesn’t give her the right to be resentful to you.