12 Things Every Girl Can Expect From Moving In With Her Boyfriend


4. You’re going to have to reevaluate your boundaries.

Now that you’re living together, you can’t just escape when things get tough. If you argue, you can’t just go home. You are home now, together. You share everything – even a bed. You’re going to need to find new ways to get your privacy, especially when you two fight. Sometimes, it’s good to have a place where you can go to escape – like the local park for a run or even the gym.


5. What used to be “mine” will soon become “ours.”

This is something I’ve learned to really love about sharing a space with my partner. You’re in this is a team, now. You share the space, and you share the stuff in the space. With sharing comes compromise, which may be one of the most important lessons in a relationship to learn. Learning to adjust from “mine” to “ours” may take some time, but it’s extremely vital.

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