12 Things Every Girl Can Expect From Moving In With Her Boyfriend

7. You’re bound to have the toilet paper talk.

That’s right, ladies. You know exactly what I’m talking about. When he goes to change the toilet paper roll but alas – it’s facing the wrong way. This was a set rule in my house growing up, we had our preferences and we weren’t budging. The other day, I walked into my bathroom to find this very disaster before my eyes. (Luckily, he changed it later that day before I had time to say anything about it, I’ve trained him well). Another conversation you’ll end up having pretty soon after – the toilet seat talk. Is it that hard to put down the lid?

8. You’re going to have to compete for your pet’s affection.

We have a cat, and we both love her very much, However, my boyfriend thinks she likes him better because of the way he pets her, and I think she likes me more because I… well… feed her the most.  If you two have a pet, or one of you has a pet prior and bring him/her into your new love nest, you’ll end up arguing about them, no doubt. We’re constantly competing with each other for her attention, but in the end, she probably just hates both of us.

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