12 Things Every Girl Can Expect From Moving In With Her Boyfriend


11. You’re going to crave personal space.

Now that you’re sharing everything, make sure you still have a space that benefits you and a place that is all your own. It may seem hard to do when you’re living in a small apartment, but, if they can bring their stuff, you can bring yours. I have spaces for my books and my hobbies. My boyfriend has his PC gaming set up and his book collection, giving us both our own sense of identity along with the unit of our relationship.


12. You’ll need to make extra time to see your family now that you don’t live “at home.”

Now that you two are living together, you have to make it a priority to incorporate your family into your lives whenever possible. They’re not there every day, and we all took their constant presence for granted before experiencing life on our own. It’s easy to get caught up in the jitters of moving in together, and almost cut yourselves off from the world while you’re re-adjusting, but make sure you work hard to keep those family ties close.

Living with your SO is hard work, but hard work comes with amazing rewards. I wouldn’t trade my life for anything, even my cat’s undying, undivided love. Nothing worth having is ever easy, and with the right amount of work, patience, and love, you’re set for the adventure of a lifetime. So get out there and hide your snacks, fix the toilet paper, and tell your boyfriend you love him. Welcome home, y’all.

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