
I Know We’re Just Friends, but I Can’t Stop My Heart from Falling

“Love is when you find someone who’s your best friend and you can be yourself around them. It’s when words can’t come close to how you feel. It’s when you know you’re supposed to be together. And if you have to wait forever… You will.” 

You’re literally my favorite person in the world; you’re my unconditional support, the first person I go to no matter what happens to me – good or bad, my confidant, my best friend and lately… well, lately, you’re the person I’m unavoidably falling for.

There’s really nothing I can do to stop my heart from falling for you, sorry. I tried.

For a while I thought it was a temporary crush and I didn’t really give it much thought. But as time passed and we spent more time together; laughing, crying, creating new memories, those feelings grew stronger and became more intense, to the point where denying ‘falling for you’ was no longer possible.