I Want To Be The One Whose Heart Beats Perfectly With His


You deserve to be treated like a priority and a choice; you’ll never be an option because you’re more important than that. You aren’t just going to be something to entertain me when I’m bored or lonely.  It means I don’t just love you when it’s easy; it’s loving you even when it’s hard. I can promise that when you need me you can always count on me.


I’d learn to cook your favorite meals despite my opinion on them, know how many sugars you take in your coffee and remember what foods you absolutely hate. I’d be the first to offer up your favorite snacks when you’ve had a rough day. I’ll remember details about foods you loved as a kid and try my best to live up to the expectations.


On the days you wake up and you struggle to find happiness in the day I will be there to light up your day. It could be little gifts I buy simply because they made me think of you, in funny memes that I just thought you had to see, little texts reminding you how important you are to me to simply being the hand you hold when life is hard.


I know you’re not perfect and I would never expect you to be. Your flaws won’t ever be pointed out and I’d love them because they make you who you are. I know you’ll make mistakes; you’re going to screw up and say the wrong things and make me shake my head in frustration. Though I know I am going to do the same thing to you as well, each argument we have we’ll work through together. I’ll never let us go to bed angry with unresolved feelings.

Published by

Audi Anderson

Audi is a 27 year old graduate, from the University of Iowa with a Bachelors Degree in English who one day aspires to attend law school. I am an avid lover of football, baseball, soccer, horror movies, selfies and napping. At a young age I loved reading and writing stories and connecting with people and from that sparked my endless rambling on about anything I can talk to others about. Writing is a huge passion of mine, it can bring so many different cultures and backgrounds together. If my writing reaches out to just one person and makes them feel better about themselves or the situation they are going through then it's worth every moment of vulnerability and putting yourself out there. Everyone struggles whether they vocalize it or internalize and sometimes you just need someone to relate to, or better yet someone to tell you that it's okay and things have to always get better. So just think of me as that friend who always has an open ear and attempts to help you make sense of it all. Think of me as the person who will constantly remind you of your worth Twitter handle: audifaceia Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Audi-Anderson-1680955325523897/

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