It is amazing how many people are intimidated by a woman with an independent, strong personality. It is so easily confused with a bad attitude.
Instead of being scared of a woman with some independence, hype us up. We work hard for it, don’t shoot us down for having it. Awh damn, I should probably watch my language. Nah, fuck that. I am grown. I say what I want.
The fact that I let a curse word slip every now and again doesn’t mean I am not a wonderful young woman. It is about how I act in professional situations. I’m not gonna curse out my boss, but as for you, someone who wants to change me, fuck you.
If you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all. But they still do: “You are so bossy. You nag way too much.”
Bossy you say? I think you confuse being bossy with being a leader. And I am a natural leader. I like to help those who are scared to take the reins themselves.
Nag is such a harsh word. I am so sorry that you cannot handle simple directions. If you think me asking you to do something, or stating how I feel is nagging, then maybe I am not the one with the problem here.