I’m Not A Stop Along The Way, I’m A Destination

I’m not someone you’re just gonna hook-up with. I’m not some rebound you’ll date immediately after your ex. I’m the girl you’re gonna want at the end of the altar. The one who will rob you of your sleep if it ends.

I’ll change your definition of love because I know how to do it the right way. I’m the girl you’ll compare everyone else too.

I’m gonna support you.

Whatever obstacles you face in your life I’ll always be in your corner. I’ll always be cheering you on. I’ll believe in you.

If you have a minor setback in life, I’ll be the one telling you this is a chance to come back.

I’m gonna love you the right way.

The reason you’ve been hurt was that they weren’t the right love for you. But I am. We are. ‘I love you’ aren’t just words. They’re actions. It’s showing someone they’re the most important person in your life. That’s what I hope to do for you.

I might fight with you…

There’s bound to be disagreements and things each of us doesn’t like. That’s okay.

But when I’ll try to compromise when I need to. I’ll own up to my mistakes.

Fighting doesn’t mean something is over. Sometimes fighting makes the relationship stronger and more stable.

But I’ll always fight for you.

I’m always gonna fight for you and for us because I believe in us. I won’t ever just give up and walk away. You mean too much to me to do that.

I’ll be your best friend.

Talk to me like I’m your best friend because I am.

I won’t judge your past…

We all have done things we aren’t proud of. We all make mistakes. I won’t judge you for who you were, I’ll only judge you for who you are. Because the way I see it every mistake, every road you’ve gone down that might have been wrong has led you to me. If you can’t accept your past give it to me to accept.

Because I want you in my future.

What matters is now. I want you in my life and not just for a moment or two. I’m totally invested in this thing if you are. While the future is uncertain the one thing I hold onto is it being with you.

I’ll make your life better if you let me. But don’t enter my life without knowing I’m going to change everything you’ve come to know and understand about yours.

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