2. They make you feel comfortable being exactly who you are.
You should find someone who loves you for who you are–no changes, no criticism. Far too often, we fall in love with people who want to change us or mold us into someone we aren’t. They criticize our weight, our hair color, our quirks we used to completely admire about ourselves–but, have fallen to dislike because someone we care about has pointed them out as “wrong,” or “not good enough.”
Don’t let another person tear you down and make you feel as though you need to change to fit a mold they have inscribed in their mind. If they want someone who fits those roles, let them go find that person. You will find someone one day who loves you for who you are. Your weight, your eye color, your hair color, your snort-laugh, your corny jokes, the way your nose crinkles when you dislike something. The qualities you are given, you take pride in. Never plan a future with someone if they want to change you, you will find yourself living someone else’s life, one which was never yours.