4. You feel fulfilled in every single aspect of your relationship.
Sometimes we fall in love with people who look ideal on paper. They’re stable, they have a great job, they want similar things–it feels like a home run. But, emotionally you could feel as though something is missing. There’s a feeling in the pit of your gut that says: there’s someone else out there who can give me all of this and more. My mother used to tell me when I was younger that someone can love you with every single sense of their soul and being, but, it may not be enough for you. You may need something more, a deeper emotional connection, someone with a higher sex-drive–anything.
Whatever you feel is missing in your relationship–face it. Don’t hide from it. If you decide to make a life with someone you are unsatisfied with, that feeling will only manifest until you begin to resent that person, or worse, look for what you’re missing in your relationship outside of the relationship itself.