5. You’ve become a better person since they’ve entered your life.
While it sounds rather obvious, there are relationships that bring toxic factors into our lives and make us a worse person than we were before. If you were someone who was outgoing, social, bubbly, and personable, but you’ve entered a controlling relationship where your partner wants you to always be with them and no one else, you lose who you were and you change for the negative. You no longer have your own life and see your friends and family–unless, of course, your partner is there–and this makes you become someone who can no longer function on their own. In retrospect, that’s unhealthy.
Maybe your partner is into partying and brings unhealthy habits into your world you would have never really tried on your own. There are tons of ways someone can hinder your growth and make you feel “stuck.” You shouldn’t want to be with someone long-term unless they bring out a better version of who you already are. They magnify your strengths, they make you feel good about your weaknesses, they bring forth the true version of who you are.