Modern Wedding Speeches: Who Says What When

Your wedding day is a special event where you want everything to be perfect. Many couples “hire a wedding planner” or read the latest books on wedding etiquette to assure the proper moves. However, when it comes to wedding speeches, it is okay to stay flexible in your routine. The crowd will be tickled by the spontaneous change of events, and great memories will be formed.

?Traditional Order of Speeches

For centuries, the traditional order of speeches at a wedding starts with the father of the bride. This is due to the long-running expectation of the bride’s father hosting the event. He presents his formal blessing for the new couple and makes complimentary remarks on the splendid occasion and how beautiful his daughter looks.

The groom is next in line to give a response to his new father-in-law. A thank you for the wedding, how he feels to be part of a new family and appreciation for the support of his friends. Once again, the stunning bride should be complimented on her beauty. The best man is next in line and is used to lighten the moment with funny stories of the groom, how special the bride is, and wraps it up with a toast to kick off their new life together.

However, not everything stays the same and tradition can become problematic in today’s society. Absent fathers, same-sex weddings, or individuals that are too shy to give a speech can disrupt the order of wedding speeches. There’s no need to worry, as long as the bride and groom can agree on certain changes, tradition is not required.

Variety in Order of Wedding Speeches

Couples that choose to plan and pay for their weddings are a popular solution to no father figure, lack of funds or separation of the immediate family. Traditional families no longer consist of mom, dad, brothers, and sisters. Other times, close friends are responsible for a solid upbringing.

?Here are some ideas for couples that are hosting their wedding and dinner.

?Use a best man or the maid of to begin the introductions and thank you’s. Toast the newlyweds and elaborate on how remarkable the ceremony was. The groom or bride should then take the floor and extend thanks to everyone that came to share in the event. It should be the decision of the couple on who speaks. Whoever is most comfortable with crowds should take the initiative. Follow up this speech with one from a friend or family member that is naturally entertaining. This could be an uncle, an usher or an old-time friend that everyone knows. Humor should be the highlight of the final toast. This will set the mood for an evening of dancing and fun.

Same-Sex Wedding Speech Orders

Same-sex wedding speech orders can be as original as the couple wants to make them. Words of thanks from both wedding partners, encouragement from long-time friends or relatives can flow in shortened intervals. It is best to have a schedule lined up to prevent two people from taking the floor at once. If there is a history to share, the couple should choose to make a humorous story together.

A Toast From The Bridesmaid

Brides and bridesmaids often have the best recollection of past relationships. But only when there is a funny anecdote attached, should these be a part of the show. For instance, a story about nervousness or silly accidents while preparing for a first date or attempting to hide a bad habit that will eventually be revealed is a good idea. Weave the bridesmaids between the men to give lots of variety. Designate one person to look over speeches and to line up the speakers so that there are no uncomfortable surprises.

Raise Your Glass

Wedding speeches are a time for happiness between friends and relatives in celebration of a couple’s new life together. Share as many toasts as you like.

Ashley Rosa is a freelance writer and blogger. Follow Ashley on Twitter “




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