My Lisp Is Sexy My Lisp Is Cute My Lisp Is A Pain In The Assth


Also, getting high/drunk makes every conversation hilarious. 

Cotton mouth is no easy condition with a lisp and neither is drinking. Ask any of my friends, and they’ll say the moment they know I’m intoxicated is when my lisp becomes particularly thick. Way to throw me under the bus…


On nights out, I become the butt of every joke because my speech becomes noticeably altered, and it’s just that much more funny because we’re all intoxicated to witness it.


In the end, I begrudgingly love it just for the hilarity of it all.

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t get on my nerves sometimes or that it isn’t a uniquely unnerving pain-in-the-ass. It is.


However, my lisp creates funny memories and leaves quite an impression. It leaves me giggling at my own vernacular inadequacies. In the end, it’s mine, and so I have no other choice except to love and accept it.


Published by

Brit Bandana

Mountain dweller and day-dreamer. Writer, jewelry-maker, and habitual mistake-maker. For more of my writing, check out my Facebook page! If you'd like to see some of my jewelry, please go to my website! Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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