When I first heard her sing along to the radio, she’s doing it now in the other room and I could listen to it forever.
I was on a date with my now wife and we were looking for this dessert place called The Chocolate. For the life of me, I could not find it even though I’ve been there before. After probably ten minutes, we finally saw the sign and I loosely quoted Aladdin, “Ah, there it is…” in Jafar’s voice and immediately my date said, “That’s it?! That’s the place we’ve been looking for?!” in Iago’s voice.
I just looked at her with cartoon hearts floating around me. It was destiny.
The very first night he and I hung out, we talked nonstop until 7 the next morning. That next day I had to go to work at 10am. I got to work and I had never felt so awake in my life. Almost five years later and I still get that feeling when I’m with him.