3. I never want to be a trophy wife.
And I don’t want to be a stay at home mom. I have no bad blood with any woman who chooses this path in life, And I just know it’s not for me. Do I want kids? Of course. But, I plan on working from home while I raise them. Working is therapeutic for me, it’s a way for me to cope with my high-functioning anxiety. But, I also would never want to be in a marriage or be one half of a parenting team that doesn’t contribute to the foundation of my children’s lives.
4. I won’t just throw my talent away for someone else.
I truly believe that everyone is given a special gift in life, something they are just incredibly great at. For me, I have always lived and breathed writing. Ever since I was young, I’ve written journals, poetry, short stories, op-ed’s – I was the student that wanted to write essays in class because it came so naturally to me. Giving up my writing and my career is like slapping God in the face – saying I don’t want this gift and that it’s worthless to me. No man can ever come between that.
5. I won’t feel bad about a man being insecure over how much money make.
Whenever a man finds out that I make more money than he does, he gets weirdly uncomfortable. Why is it such a big deal in society if a woman makes more money than a man? Why do men need to boost their egos so much and know that they make more money than the person they are dating? What is the f*cking problem with everyone? I don’t need to dumb myself down or “work less” so that a man can feel more like a “man” and make more money than I do.