10 Signs You’re Way Too Good For The Person You’re Dating


6. They’re clueless of problems in your relationship.

If someone is not aware of things that upset you or hurt you, it’s because they aren’t paying enough attention to details. This correlates to them not caring about you and your emotional wellbeing. If you’re constantly trying to make changes to benefit them and their issues within your relationship but they are unable to reciprocate or take the time out to actually listen to why things upset you, they are obviously not going to do so in the future. Treat yourself with respect and learn when you need to walk away.


7. They don’t listen when you explain their toxic behaviors to them.

People in relationships often experience tidbits (or full-blown) aspects of toxic behaviors and dating trends. When you explain to your partner why things bother you and how they can be negative for you, them and your relationship in its entirety, they should be open-minded and willing to listen, even if it does hurt them. Relationships should be about growth, not about staying stagnant.



8. You’re constantly doing for them when they never do for you.

Going out of your way to surprise them with little things here and there is sweet – but, when you’re going out of your way all the time to get their favorite food, beer, candy, etc. and they hardly ever go out of their way for youthere comes a point where you need to stop and open your eyes. Sure, making them happy in turn makes you happy, but at what cost? When are you ever going to make you happy for you instead of doing for others?


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